Spot N Center Dashboard
Here on your dashboard, you are going to see there are a few simple things that you get to do with it.
Manage Listings

This is where you will manage your current listings and their supplier links. This grid will allow you to put in the marketplace you are selling the items on, and what the supplier link is so that Spot N Paste can open the link faster for you. Or you can simply use this for your own records to find your items faster.
All Files

The All Files tab is where a record of your previously uploaded spreadsheets are kept. That way you can view them and make any edits that you would like to make. Also here you can add new files of your current items to be added to your database.

API Key Tab
The API key tab is where you will retrieve your API key to link with Spot N Paste. This connection allows Spot N Paste to know where your item is located and open it directly without you needing to come back to your dashboard to find it. It also will allow you to use any of the cashback sites that we have connected to.